“Happy Beautiful Morther Day Great World “

Dr. Kevin Alacena
6 min readMay 9, 2020


As summer approaches I reminisce on the three most important queens in my life…I dedicate this poem to their awesome memories and to the Island of Eleuthera! Grandmerci Eleuthera by Dr. Kevin Alcena

Grandmerci Eleuthera! Grandmerci Yahweh — the one whose blood, spirit and soul circulates throughout my veins — and because of his spiritual undinism with my mother, I came into being through a divine proclamation, that brought about a durable fraternity, that inspired my creation. Eleuthera, you are so dear to me. You gave me my mother, you gave me my childhood, but most of all you gave me a zeal for parisology and respect for other people. You taught me how to go crabbing, graping and gave me my first taste of switchie (Bahamian lemonade). You mastered the pedagogy of life and taught me how to be perdevanturous. More importantly and even to this day, you made me realize that you were not designed to be a bradykinetic absumption by any acephalous decrees. To this day you are still diamantiferous to those who behold you in verisimilitube. No one can cachinnate you!

You are shaped like the close end of an emoticon that depicts a smile so commonly used in the chat rooms and text messaging. You are ancient but yet you are modern in your locality. You captivate my curiosity like no exotic island in the world! Eleuthera, there is nothing brimeborion nor languescent about you! You directed my path for excellence and quenched my feelings of minimifidianism when castrophenia crept in. My steps are well moved by recognition of your majestic place upon Mother Ocean on this earth. You never confused me and you always embraced my fearful oneirodynia. You always comforted me when I was lost and directed my path, even when my enemies sought to destroy me through their combined efforts of nosism. The only place I can run to is the pink sands of Bannerman Town and sometimes Savannah Sound.

Oh Savannah Sound! The sun rises in the east and settles in the west. When I watch Savannah I see a special oasis that protects and loves me. She even makes me coccyx and has the tendency to make even the average Eleutheran caballine and ultracrepidarian bound in some profound way. When reality hits me, I understand that the oasis is there to comfort me and I am in Eleuthera. The saxicolus island that gave me my first kiss and made me feel special when the rooster crowed.

Oh how I miss the cows! Oh how I miss my grandmother’s chicken farm and the aroma of her baking bread which overshadowed the mundungus of her pipe! Oh how I miss watching her incredible smile as she embraces me in a nostrificte way. Oh mama, I miss you so much! I can still see my mother as she runs down the hill in Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera and embraces me with her smile. Hatchet Bay is where the diamantiferous women of my life always robed me with hugs of gold. The place where the three important luminary women in my life, who I call my Amazon queens, always embraced me with their unselfish love: my grandmother Serena, my mother Dolly and my aunt Jenny. Now they watch over me and direct me in a Hatchet Bay way as they prepare a table for me against my enemies in an Eleutheran nikhedonian way. They hold back my enemies who obambulate the island like Tetragrammaton, seeking to destroy the tricottomy blood line in an unasinous, vicarious and circumambagious manner, dispersing to the world their selfish, purposeless, nescience didymitis agenda of wisdom. At the same time, they are using Google for their memdacilouqent pleasure, like a deltiology for gossip online. It was all a nummimorous and vain act! What morologists? Don’t you know who I am? I am Tetragrammaton the commander of the sacred order of Jehovah, enclosed in my own tethlon shield that has nano coating, with my own style of palimpsest! Calmly, I responded by thurificating my enemies in the sight of El Shaddai, who scattered them like the languescent morologist they are.

Oh Eleuthera, my Eleuthera! The settlement of Hatchet Bay where my zeitgeist mother was born. I can remember pandiculating under the tree while my aunt stood yeuling for a moment or two. The island where I lost my first tooth as a rhathymia child, had my first sinveling taste of ice cream as an oligophagous little boy, tried to ride a horse and fell down, almost drowned and my cousin Teddious Paul saved me, while at the same time I was scolded for being at the lake. All this time my late cousin John, whom I loved so dearly, was somewhere galactophaging mama’s milk from the ice box in secret. My memories do not fade me because I am an opsimath effendi Eleuthera boy who understands that the greatest thing in life you can give to your fellow human beings, is love. I especially remember my grandmother bathing me in ashes and making me drink my urine, to febrifuge my sickness while flabellating with card board to regulate my temperature. Many were nonpulus by that near death horrifying osulogyric experience.

Yes, Eleuthera! You taught me well. I am so glad I don’t have to miss you because I am a nullibiety in your majestic presence. You are the petal of a creative Bahamas. You brought my ancestors from Scotland and Africa, embraced my African heritage with love, my Scottish heritage with integrity and directed my grandmother Serena with certainty. You even blessed her with with a perpetual motion of ineffable success through her siblings, children and grand children for all eternity. My dear mother Dolly and my aunt Jenny also clothed me with divine blessings inherited from their mother, bathed me with ambition and directed me with a true Eleuthera purpose of wisdom that can move mountains.

I thank you my island! I thank you my three Amazon queens! I salute you with a feeling of infinite praise and gratefulness! I love you mom! I write this for you, mama and auntie in honor of the great island of Eleuthera! Viva Eleuthera! Let’s go and dance in the pink sand and let the world watch!”☺ In 2021.

