Ruling class in the Bahamas have downloaded and delete us .” I can’t breath “

Dr. Kevin Alacena
4 min readJun 3, 2020

The art of democracy is measured by the will of its people! People are the principal guardians of democracy, not single individuals nor institutions determine the fate of the institution of democracy! The people determine the strength and the weakness of democracy! There is a stentorophonic dynamicism that is taking place through our land that has all the season politicians discombobulated by the seeds of enthusiasm and the wave of change! The jackenapes are terrified! The morologists are having nightmares!

In our midst there is a new political dynamicism in the Bahamas that is taking shape that has been born by the young people! It is a political machinery that is run like a business! Young people are crying for a change! that is rocking the foundation of the political establishment. The ruling class will call the police on you for put a” Mask” this is not right .we have a right to express yourself ,its sick. We a bill of right. .

clientelism which is guarded by the want to be elitist has thrown the political dice in download and delete the Bahamian society.” Can’t not breath “

In our institute of democracy which I deem as political clientelism which is guarded by the want to be elitist has thrown the political into the direction ‘it perversity. It is not even the superego judging the ego. It our own capacity for hate, increasing until it becomes a kind of compulsion -neurosis where reverence and destruction alternate and we reverently destroy. We falter and faint and deny the Bahamian people thick the up class hate us.

We develop sympathy at the expense of loyalty I don’t like it. It just ain’t right “Can’t breath “
Where is the outcry? We have become silent spectators, eagerly awaiting our daily dose of public scandal, noisy expulsion and excommunication especially from misinformation from the social media. The eligible is in charge they are not play with us, misinformation.

“A man must swallow a toad every morning if he wishes to be sure of finding nothing still more disturbing before the day is over “(Morley )I can’t breath “

We must stop this. It’s not right. “The all for me baby “ There is no honour in this battle against common Bahamian people. There is no dignity in this battleground of shame. Only a man the shield of Perseus against the ghosts of character assassination. By so call Bahamian elite -class. I can’t breath.

“Whatever you blame, that you have done yourself”(Groddeck ) There is no hate without fear. Hate is the consequences of fear. We hate what we fear and where hate is fear is lurking.

We must stop as Bahamian people this Moth -and -candle preoccupation with hate, this eliteism of resentment, this abuse of intellect, this perversion of the heart that obliterates our knowledge of the purpose of life; that denies the God within us, wantonly exterminated don’t like it. It just ain’t right.” I can’tbreath”

According to E.M Forster “If i had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my friend “it is imperative that Bahamians Cabinet understand the games all for me baby has instigated against the Bahamian people.

The civil servant in The Bahamas has been weaponized within an elite clique. Corruption has been institutionalized. An example, how can a person who works for the government who, makes 40k a year, own a 600k apartment? Skullduggery and the manipulation of systems to benefit the elite circle is the order of the day. They’ll do anything to destroy you at the expense of another. The ghetto cries, with the COVID virus I’ve lost my job, I have no food, I can’t pay my rent or my car payments, when I call my representative the call goes to voice-mail, my children are hungry and yet the elite is removed from my plight. The ghetto cries, “I can’t breathe”,.so and so’s son and daughter dance with the “all for me baby” syndrome, something is wrong with this picture.

It must become the people time .Recognize so call elite will try to jail for mask and boondoggling the people with their own nympholepic ideologies agenda all for me baby! Political clientelism must stop especially post COVID -19 pandemic crisis. Cassandra declare her examine on us !

