The Legacy, The Legend, The Man: President Fidel Castro

Dr. Kevin Alacena
5 min readMay 27, 2024


The Legacy, The Legend, The Man: President Fidel Castro

By: Dr. Kevin Turnquest-Alcena

LLB (Hon-1st Cl.), LLM (Hon-1st Cl.)

Ph.D. in Economics / Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Ph.D. in Public Health / Ph.D. in Herbal and Holistic Medicine

Titular Professor

Lawyer & Fellow — FCILEx; ACIArb; & Snr. Fellow–AMLA

Thursday, November 16, 2023

A legacy is defined as the long-lasting impact of events, actions, etc., that took place in the past, or of a person’s life. Simply put legacies is the impartation or impact that one leaves behind for others to pattern after or carry on. As the anniversary of the passing of former President Fidel Castro approaches we reflect on the life and legacy of this iconic figure and the influence that he not only had on Cuba, but the Caribbean, Latin America, and Africa.

The infamous basketball player Kobe Bryant said, “Heroes come and go but legends are forever.” Words that would never be truer upon his unexpected death in 2020. The great influential writer, Maya Angelou said, “If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.”

President Castro’s death on November 25th, 2016, was a period of transition for the country. President Castro nicknamed the “The Lion in Winter,” by Time Magazine, revolutionized the Cuban country. However, he was not just a revolutionist, but an advocate for many other ostracized leaders. Such advocacy earned him credits with individuals like African President Nelson Mandela who said, “There’s one place where (Fidel Castro) Cuba stands out head and shoulders above the rest — that is in its love for human rights and liberty!”

Even after his death, many leaders paid homage to the man he was. The EU Commission President Jean-Claude Junker said, “Fidel Castro was one of the historical figures of the past century and the embodiment of the Cuban Revolution…the world has lost a man who was a hero to many.” President Castro not only had a significant impact on the Caribbean as a leader, but he also influenced the African Diaspora, black America, and the world as a whole.

President Fidel, while considered a person of velitation, he was revered by many. He was not just considered a firm leader, but one that loved his people. He strongly believed in empowering them through education and as such created over 2,000 institutions that still stand today. Cuba’s institutions of learning have been innovative in their advancement in technology, produced some of the best doctors worldwide, and literally eliminated illiteracy in Cuba, a feat not many other countries, including America, can boast about.

His credence in qualifying people not only extended to him freely educating their citizens but also those from all over the world as far as Africa. As a result, his legacy lives on in the hundreds of thousands of students who have passed through the various Cuban halls of learning. John C. Maxwell said, “A leader who produces other leaders’ multiples their influences.” He taught people to rise above their situations to achieve greatness.

Daniel 2:21 states, “…and he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and he setteth up kings.” President Castro fought for and dramatically restructured Cuba. Consequently, many thought he oppressed and kept the Cuban people in bondage. As a result, the United States instituted the Embargo upon the Cuban leader and its country. This resulted in the country being cut off from prospective economic business and benefits. However, this hardship formulated an opportunity for the Cuban people to show their resilience and potential for innovation that would be crucial to their survival. To the people’s credit, Cuba became a self-made country that relied upon itself to feed, educate, employ, and take care of its citizens. This united effort yielded profitable economic results through tourism, the fishing industry, and the various products they export, including healthcare services. His fight against the Embargo was indicative of the fact that he believed in a cause greater than himself and went on to build a new way of life for the people.

Like many great leaders and people of influence before him such as Martin Luther King Jr., Bob Marley, and Mohammed Ali, President Castro exemplified his ability to stand in the face of adversity and overcome the challenges he faced. This earned him a place on the walls of history because of the many lives he touched. Norman Cousins said it like this “Death is not the greatest loss of life. The greatest loss is what dies on the inside of us while we live.” He has become an iconic figure in death because of the historic platform he established and the controversy surrounding it.

President Castro was truly a man whose legacy will live on forever. Fidelism is alive and kicking today and there will be no one like him in 1,000 years. His enemies feared him, and his supporters loved him. Cuba went through many hard times but as the captain of the ship, he steered the people through them all.

Today, the Cuban people still stand on his ideologies and the Fidelism fever still burns right. The revolution started in 1953, and the number symbolizes God’s grace working in harmony and perfection. Nothing in this world just happens. Was it ordained by God for Cuba to become a great nation? Was it predestined for Castro to become President? Only God knows! What we do know is that Castro’s rule of more than 6 decades is an indicator that all things are worked according to time.

He was a man for the times and that will never be forgotten. As Cuba prepares to celebrate its independence on January 1st, 2024 the people can reflect not only on the character of President Castro but the many ways in which he impacted their lives and those of the generations to come. As Myles Munroe said, “Don’t die old. Die empty. That’s the goal of life…” President Fidel Castro, the man, the legend, the legacy without a doubt embodies what it means to live on in others; he truly died empty!

Nelson Mandela said, “As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same”.

The great legacy lives on! Viva Fidel!

