Thinking rationally! The “laws of thought “COVID-19 isolation!

Dr. Kevin Alacena
4 min readMay 21, 2020

The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to attend to codify “right thinking “that is, irrefutable reasoning processes. His syllogisms provided patterns for argument structures that always yielded correct conclusions when given correct premises -for example, “Socrates is a man; all men are moral; therefore, Socrates is Mortral. “These laws of thought were supposed to govern the operation of the mind; their study initiated the field of logic.

Man is born free, and yet we see him everywhere in chains. This common liberty is a consequence of the nature of man his first law is that of self -preservation, his first cares those which he owes to himself; and as soon as he has attained the age of reason,being the only judge of the means proper to preserve himself, he becomes at once his own master not some government as results of COVID -19 pandemic crisis lock down, Nothing is more certain than that CARICOM as well around must understand man is born free we not are born into slavery .

The political elite neo-fascist hegemony is useding COVID -19 pandemic crisis to to legitimate power basis on conversation of authority to yield to forec, playing with our Constitution right, .To renounce our library is to renounce our quality of man and with it all the right and duties of humanity. In India people’s are dieing by saying home in Zimbabwe as well COVID -19 will be around for a long time in fact for last 80 years we have being with it. .No adequate compensation can possibly be made for the sacrifice in the world community regarding COVID -19 .

We are at war with the state as well virus while we are around the world go hungry no jobs it is clear that WHO is not enemies. We must find a form of association with our economic recovery get people’s back to work i agree with President Trump economy matter we must live with COVID -19 stop destroying the natural equality of mankind, the fundamental compact substitutes, on the contrary, a moral and legal equality for that physical inequality which nature placed among men, and that let men be ever so unequal in strength or in genius, they are all equalized by conversation and legal right.

Bad governments around the world this equality is but an illusive appearance, which only serves to keep the poor in misery, have abundance, and injurious to those who have nothing under COVID -19 pandemic crisis.

Taiwan, is explain of the world as the World health organization 7 Thousands Cases and 98 death the success in fighting Coronavirus create a global standard no shut down no curfew with a population of 25 million has reported more than 7,000 infection and 98 deaths look at neo-fascist machinery the world Health Organization (WHO )members did not allow Taiwan to set at last meeting “shame “” we are an integral link in the global health network “President of Taiwan Tsai ing -went said Thursday on Twitter. I want to congratulations all the people’s of Taiwan in the global fight against “COVID -19 pandemic “

China much stop her little boys games against Taiwan this is great opportunity she can show the world China can put her different aside work with Taiwan as well the world On the other hand, correct inference it is not all of rationality, because there are often situation where China such act more responsibility went deal with Taiwan regarding COVID -19 i am very disappointed with China behavior.

When the people, are sufficiently informed, result and their resolution be always excellent the great association, registering the global community members finally, like Taiwan will win war against this COVID -19 pandemic citizen should speak his or her opinion entirely from themselves the great Lycurgus always kept on an equality intelligent. “Free is a must “

