Dr. Kevin Alacena
5 min readMar 26, 2022


By Dr Kevin Alcena 25 March 2022

“Successful leaders understand that true power comes not from exercising control, but from empowering others” (Jesse Lyn Stoner). In a world filled with chaos, war, and pain people are desperately in need of good governance. There is a resounding cry for answers and direction as to how to navigate through this period of calamity. This is an era where the right kind of leadership is essential to reigniting people’s faith in those that are the front runners of steering the way. A moment in time when the success and recovery of a hurting world requires giving people hope and that putting their trust in the powers that be will not be for naught. So, what kind of leadership is best suited to be manifested in such a time of uncertainty one might ask? In response, and if I am permitted to be so bold as to say, the answer, like all issues of life can be found in the good book! The kind of authority that best suits a chaotic and confusing time can be exemplified through servanthood. This kind of leader is considered a servant of the people, one who ensures that their needs are being met and concerns being acknowledged. Any leader that falls into the role of servant can be considered a Transactional-Transformational Leader. This type of leadership is defined by causing change in individuals and society systems through empowerment! They teach persons to function separate and apart from them; not to become so reliant on their guidance that they are unable to carry on without them. The end goal is to develop followers into leaders! An example could be seen in King Josiah. He was only eight when he became king because his father was assassinated for leading Judah away from God. At the age of twelve he began a campaign to turn Judah and its surrounding countries back to serving God. He reformed these cities by removing the pagan shrines and temples from the land, tore down altars dedicated to the pagan deities and removed the carved idols. 2 Kings 22:2, “And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left.” Comparatively speaking, I believe that The Right Honorable Prime Minister, Philip Brave Davis exudes such kind of leadership.

Not one to be considered a man of war, the people cried, and he listened! The Prime Minister has set out on a campaign to extinguish all imperfections of the previous administration by exposing corruption and adhering to a bipartisan approach to governing. John Maxwell said, “You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honor over personal gain.” He could have chosen to continue with the status quo of ignoring the masses and their outcries, but instead chose to display a heart filled with compassion for the country as a collective unit. He has begun to regain the confidence of the business community through his direct approach to dealing with the issues faced by the nation. This was exemplified the very first week he took office and released the Hurricane Dorian supplies that were just sitting in the warehouse catching dust. Since then, during his first six months in office much has been done in attempting to jumpstart the economy and the country again! Despite a worldwide pandemic, he has been doing all he can to bring some level of normalcy back, whilst still being cautious of the health risks to everyone. Hence, VAT was reduced to 10%, something many deemed impossible! Road repairs have been ongoing, preparations to get our children back in school, including a task force designed to assist students that have fallen behind. The BAMSI legislation, groundbreaking for new housing community, Public Service Reform, tackling the issue of abuse and domestic violence, institution of Virtual Visitation Program, Public Service pension increase, excellent Public Promotion of COVID-19 and the vaccine, the reinstitution of Police Officers at our schools to preempt any further acts of violence against those that are dedicated to educating the country’s future leaders, just to name a few!
Aristotle said, “It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.” Due to Solomon’s wisdom, the bible declared him a man of peace. During his entire reign there was no war in the land. Our Honorable Prime Minister has projected some of these same qualities by utilizing the knowledge he has and of the various stakeholders around him to handle the issues facing the land with wisdom and the utmost care. I daresay, if our Prime Minister continues in this vain, he may be on his way to gaining another opportunity to serve in office. Hence, with this in mind, may we suggest dear Prime Minister Davis that the 50th Anniversary of Independence be celebrated by being made a National Holiday in honor of the nation’s father The Right Honorable Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. Why is this important one may ask? It’s indicative of the fact that future generations will be publicly reminded to never forget the historicity of our struggles to be free! This holiday, which should commence on his birthday, would express to other nations that like President Abraham Lincoln, whom President’s Day was established for, or Martin Luther King, the great Civil Rights Leader, we too acknowledge and revere the man that took this Bahamaland from a life of forced servitude to one of freedom to choose who we serve! I conclude with the words of Christopher Tunnard, “There is a need in every generation to study the past, to absorb its spirit, to preserve its messages…. its’s a collaboration of ourselves and our ancestors, the result is a deeper understanding for individuals and in consequence, a broader culture for the nation.” Aren’t we tired of being mentally enslaved by an outdated system and those who wish to keep us bound? Think about it!!

